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Check out a sample of the 6 Arts & Crafts jobs posted on Upwork
Hours to be determined
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
Storyboard Artist for Explainer video Iam looking for a storyboard artist for a long-term position Requirement create a full-frame…
Experience level
We’re looking for a creative individual to design unique art and craft sets, DIY activities, and games specifically for seniors. We wi…
Experience level
I'm seeking a skilled artist to create a medium-sized (2 to 4 feet), abstract style art piece for the back wall of our store. The piece…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
Looking for an experienced quilter/seamstress to create a memory blanket using my collection of old T-shirts. The project involves tran…
Hours to be determined
Hours needed
More than 6 months
Experience level
Storyboard Artist for Explainer video Iam looking for a storyboard artist for a long-term position Requirement create a full-frame…
Experience level
I am seeking a skilled crochet designer to develop a crochet pattern based on an AI-generated image I will provide. The ideal candidate…
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