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Check out a sample of the 5 XAML jobs posted on Upwork
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
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Hello Looking for a solid WPF.NET developer to finish up some work on a healthcare management application writien in .NET MVVM model.…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
Hi. I am looking for a front-end designer familiar with .Net Maui and XAML. Firstly, I need a design for a login screen and simple list…
Experience level
Technical Skills ✔️ C# (.NET Framework/.NET Core, WPF,) – For Windows app development and integration with existing code. ✔️ Audio Proc…
30+ hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
We are seeking a skilled developer with expertise in C# and WPF to create a robust desktop application. The ideal candidate will have a…
Experience level
Si te apasiona el desarrollo de interfaces elegantes y funcionales, cuentas con experiencia trabajando en tecnologías .Net (WPF / MAUI)…
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