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Check out a sample of the 13 Audio Restoration jobs posted on Upwork
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
I need some small audio editing on a video we already have. Project goal: Correct specific audio issues in the provided video presenta…
Hours to be determined
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
We are seeking a highly skilled and creative Audio Production Specialist to join our team. The successful candidate will oversee all as…
Experience level
We’re a growing podcast production company looking for a skilled Audio Editor to join our team and help us create top-quality podcast e…
Experience level
We are seeking a skilled podcast editor to enhance our bi-weekly podcast episodes through audio and video editing. The ideal candidate…
Experience level
I have a video I filmed on my iPhone that is suppose to imitate a client phone call. I want the audio cleaned up and edited so it sound…
Experience level
RE: Audio File format mp3 that is 1.32 in length The audio is poor quality and has a dog barking over the two individuals who are spe…
30+ hrs/week
Hours needed
More than 6 months
Experience level
Are you a skilled audio editor with a strong command of iZotope RX 10 or 11? I am an experienced audio engineer seeking a reliable an…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
We are seeking an experienced sound engineer to enhance whispers in a low-quality video while suppressing background noise. The ideal c…
Experience level
I have an audio recording of a 20 minute podcast. It was recorded in a diner and the interviewee's voice is dim. I'd like the audio t…
Experience level
I have a 5.5 minute audio recording that has a song playing. People are talking in the background as this recording took place in a car…
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