Theodore C. Status: Offline
CincinnatiUnited States
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Patent & Trademark Attorney

With over three decades of experience, I am a seasoned attorney specializing in PATENT, TRADEMARK, and CONTRACT law. My extensive expertise includes: - Drafting Artificial Intelligence (A/I); Machine Learning; Neural Network; & Natural Language Processing patent applications, as well as those for all manner of device and system embodiments especially including medical devices. - Crafting effective patent strategies - Conducting thorough patent searches - Skillfully composing patent applications - Navigating the intricacies of patent application prosecution - Conducting meticulous trademark searches - Preparing precise trademark applications - Skillfully handling trademark application prosecution Furthermore, I bring a wealth of CONTRACT law experience, encompassing various types of agreements, such as licensing agreements, contractor agreements, non-disclosure agreements, employee agreements, manufacturing agreements, and product development agreements, among others. I have a particular affinity for collaborating with individual inventors, small inventor teams, and startup enterprises. Throughout my career, I've assisted numerous clients in successfully launching their products and ideas into the market. I am eager to extend my expertise to assist you with your endeavors. Currently, I am actively soliciting patent work in the RENEWABLE ENERGY tech space. This is an area of passion for me that I would like to help advance for my clients.
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  • Wireless Communication
  • Patent
  • Science
  • Tech & IT