Computer vision / Machine learning / Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence / NLP
I beleive that my strong points are Honesty, Creativeness and Responsibility. My #1 goal to meet your bussinees needs and requirements. Over the last 12 years, I've developed a wide range of different applications: from cross-platform desktop applications using C++/Qt or C#/Mono to a complex single page web-applications or servers (big-data, high load, low latency). On different projects I have previously worked as a Senior Developer, Software Architector or Project Manager. Please take a look at my portfolio. Best three results I proud of 1. I've developed a message-oriented parallel library on C# based on Actors Model. This library can be used to develop middleware applications. We have done some coomercial projects based on this library. On the one project it reduced webpage response time from 4,5 c to 400 mc! And also it reduced down to two orders bugs on production servers. This was because the library provide special architecture and mathematical decisions. The very simple version of this library you can see at This version I use in my seminars for students of computer science at Omsk State University. If you are interesting please don't hesistate to ask me about a full version. I'm ready to provide a full source code for free. 2. I prooved mathematically S.O.L.I.D. principles. This is a link to the video from a conference where I tell about it (but in Russian) or link to slides 3. During 15 years about 60 my students have received a Bachelor or a Master Degree in Computer Science at Omsk State University. Some of them are already working as Lead Developers, Project Managers in a number of It-companiies. Some of them I am even working together. I have a Masters in Mathematics from Omsk State University, in the Russia. Listed below are my experience and skills - С/С++, С#, Javascript, PHP; - ASP. Net MVC, Node.JS; - HTML5, CSS3; - Qt; - S.O.L.I.D. principles; - Design Patterns; - Multithreaded programming - Parallel programming using Actors Model; - net programming using tcp/ip, udp - message-oriented applications - cross-platform applications - unit-tesing - git-flow - Agile: SCRUM, Kanban, Lean. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I'm looking forward to work with you soon.
Web Development
ISS Art engineers have a great background in computer science and mathematical analysis. Their strong points are: Mathematical organization; Dynamic programming; Numeric analysis; Signal processing.