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Check out a sample of the 44 Children's Book Illustrator jobs posted on Upwork

Illustrator Needed for Children's Book Series Fixed-price ‐ Posted 6 days ago


Experience level

We are seeking a talented Illustrator to create vibrant and engaging illustrations for multiple children's books. The project involves…

Children's Book Illustrator Children's Book Illustration Drawing Cartoon Art Storybook Character Design Illustration Adventure Digital Illustration
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Children's Book Illustrator Fixed-price ‐ Posted 3 days ago


Experience level

I require a cover illustration, end papers plus 12-13 spreads. File: JPEG files (No use of AI) Resolution: 300dpi Book will be 8.5 x 8…

Children's Book Illustrator Playful Tone Colorful Style Book Cover Storybook Character Design Children's Book Illustration Illustration
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

1 to 3 months

Experience level

The project involves creating an illustrated children’s book aimed at early readers (ages 3-7), but also designed to be read aloud by p…

Children's Book Illustrator Children's Book Illustration Book Cover Storybook Illustration
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Illustrator Needed for Creative Projects Hourly ‐ Posted 20 days ago

Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

1 to 3 months

Experience level

We are seeking a talented illustrator to collaborate on a creative project. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasi…

Children's Book Illustrator Children's Book Illustration Sketching Art & Design Illustration
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Ultimate Connect the dots book. Fixed-price ‐ Posted 17 days ago


Experience level

Hello! I am wanting to create connect the dots book for kids. This time I am wanting 35 pages but wanting there to be about 300-500 dot…

Children's Book Illustrator Drawing Children's Book Illustration Animal Illustration Colorful Style Line Drawing Illustration
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Experience level

I'm looking to have images from my current children's book series converted into images for a coloring book. I have the PSD files for e…

Children's Book Illustrator Illustration Children's Book Illustration
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

3 to 6 months

Experience level

Black Boys in Tech (BBIT) is a non-profit organization out of Cincinnati, Ohio that specializes in preparing underrepresented students…

Children's Book Illustrator Kindle Direct Publishing Ebook Design Illustration Adobe Photoshop Children's Book Illustration Adobe Illustrator
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Experience level

I’m looking for a creative and trend-savvy designer to develop 3–5 vibrant and bold color palettes specifically tailored for toddler an…

Children's Book Illustrator Children's Book Illustration Illustration
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Illustrator for a Children's Book Hourly ‐ Posted 18 days ago

Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

1 to 3 months

Experience level

Job Title: Children's Book Illustrator (Project-Based) Job Description: We are looking for a creative and skilled illustrator to bring…

Children's Book Illustrator Book Cover Freestyle Drawing Children's Book Illustration Character Design Illustration
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AI Illustration Fixed-price ‐ Posted 16 days ago


Experience level

We are seeking a skilled AI illustrator to design a dog character inspired by a real photo and detailed character description of a dog…

Children's Book Illustrator Illustration Animal Illustration Children's Book Illustration Watercolor Character Design 2D Art AI-Generated Art
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Children's Book Illustrators on Upwork
can earn US$15–US$110/hr.
Learn more below about how you can earn a career on the world’s work marketplace.
Children's Book Illustrator average prices bell curve

US$15 US$110

Median hourly rates (USD)

How to Become a Freelance Children's Book Illustrator

Children’s book illustrators achieve success based on their instinctive ability to convey visual narrative through simple imagery.

These freelancers can display their skills to authors and book publishers in a format that conveys their marketability—such as researching a few of their previous books and displaying a few illustrations across a couple of genres of children’s books. When you bring a portfolio that’s directly relevant to their past works, they’re more likely to associate you with their past successes. This can make finding clients a bit easier, but it does tend to take more time, so it won’t scale well to do this for every client pitch unless you’re able to create these sorts of illustrations quickly without sacrificing quality.

Once clients are sold on your art skills, further bolster your odds by discussing how you could fit into their business model. Offer to create a certain number of illustrations for an author on a regular basis for a discount instead of commissioning the pieces one-by-one. Another option is to accept a one-off commission for an illustration the author can use in their current work to see how their audience responds.

The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) is a professional society that offers tips for getting started in the children’s book publishing business, plus networking and a series of grants.

What does a children’s book illustrator do?

Children’s Book Illustrators create imagery that supports the storyline of a picture book. They interpret the author’s work and collaborate to ensure the story is correctly visualized, using their own artistic style to create a visual world that children will want to explore.

Children’s book illustrators must consider factors such as story purpose, audience age, and how their illustrations will play a role in telling the story. Then they choose an artistic style and medium that complements the tone of the story.

What skills do I need to become a children’s book illustrator?

In addition to the obvious—the ability to draw, paint, print and/or digitally create engaging illustrations—a freelance children’s book illustrator needs to have clear verbal and written communication skills. Also prioritize the ability to adapt artistic methods based on the author’s requirements.

These supplementary skills are important to becoming a freelance illustrator.

  • Ability to collaborate with children’s book authors, editors, and publishing houses to create engaging and expressive illustrations that enhance the written storyline
  • Ability to provide creative direction and inspiration for the book's visual elements
  • Ability to research and develop ideas that complement the book's storyline, themes, emotions, and characters
  • Make detailed and thoughtful sketches and drawings
  • Incorporate characters, settings, and props in ways that creatively direct the attention of children
  • Scan and digitally enhance sketches as-needed
  • Experience working with publishing house art directors to ensure that designs align with production needs
  • Experience maintaining close communication with and meeting the needs of a book publisher
  • Experience collaborating with other book illustrators and production artists to create a final work
  • Create an online portfolio of your illustration work, preferably your own website to assist in marketing yourself
  • Ability to find and cultivate clients

What are a children's book illustrator’s work responsibilities?

These job responsibilities ensure that children’s book illustration freelancers are able to deliver impactful, engaging, and aesthetically pleasing images to accompany the stories that an author has labored to create.

  • Create children’s book illustrations with a wide range of tools, such as pencils, charcoal, pastels, markers, paint (watercolor, acrylic, etc.) or digital software (Adobe Illustrator, etc.)
  • Collaborate with the author to represent story elements clearly and cohesively
  • Express the style and tone of the book's imagery via a vision board or inspiration board, first drawing on thoughts of the book’s various stakeholders
  • Ensure that the illustrations’ content is appropriate for the intended audience of early readers
  • Perform research to accurately depict story scenes
  • Ensure that all illustrations are delivered on time and according to the client's specifications
  • Actively research, identify and explore new artistic styles as-needed, taking art classes as necessary

Eager to learn more about Children's Book Illustrator freelancing opportunities on Upwork? Check out these additional resources:

Upwork is not affiliated with and does not sponsor or endorse any of the tools or services discussed in this section. These tools and services are provided only as potential options, and each reader and company should take the time needed to adequately analyse and determine the tools or services that would best fit their specific needs and situation.

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