Kate H.
St Mary's CityMD
100% Job Success

Top Rated Freelancer for Marketing Strategy, Writing, & Print Design

I am a branding and marketing expert with 15 years of experience working in healthcare, small businesses/startups, high-tech companies, nonprofits, and government organizations that do social or environmental good. I have a Master's from Yale and a JD from Pace Law School. Before starting my own marketing firm, I wrote a best-selling book, won the Connecticut Business Plan Competition and the Sabin Sustainable Venture Prize, built (and sold) the largest green wedding marketplace in the country, and worked for Meredith Corporation as a Marketing Manager. I was an active writer, contributing regularly to the Entrepreneurship channel at one of the country's leading business publications, blogging about startups and sustainable business technology. I also have written regularly for Inc.com, The Balance, The Huffington Post, and many consumer brands like 1-800-flowers. I love helping companies refine their voice, while developing effective marketing and PR materials for print, web, and social. I understand the nuances of SEO and can write copy that does well on Google without keyword stuffing. I also can help with content organization and messaging strategy for everything from presentations to white papers. I work with clients on a per-project basis or can take on a more substantial role in an organization, if needed. I am a 30,000-foot thinker who can also roll up my sleeves, plan, and execute a project (big or small). I enjoy working with passionate entrepreneurs and other marketing professionals. I understand how to get the most out of a budget without sacrificing quality. Over time, I have developed a network of reliable and affordable professionals (including graphic designers, web developers, financial and operational experts, PR experts, and online marketers) that I regularly work with and bring into any project, as needed. From logo design to full marketing plans to new websites, I can help you build products/platforms that help you reach further and be more effective. My client list includes the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), National Center for Victims of Crime, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, St Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's County Health Department, Greenwell Foundation, Prevenna, and more. I'd love to learn more about your needs and help you on your next project.
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  • Web Content Development
  • Branding
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Content Audit
  • Case Studies

Get started working with Kate quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Kate quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a professional quality sell sheet for your medical technology or service

From $1,000
7 days delivery

You will get 1-page marketing sheet for your Saas / tech company (content + design)

From $1,000
7 days delivery