Syed Muhammad Burhan R. Status: Offline

Expert Full Stack Web & Mobile App Developer

✔My name is Burhan, and I'm a seasoned Full-stack Mobile app developer. With over 8 years of experience in the development industry, I have honed my skills in crafting clean, scalable, and error-free code. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most prominent names in the industry, including Levi's, HackerRank, Walmart, Macy's, Microsoft, and AkzoNobel. Moreover, I have contributed to building over 10 large startups, which has enhanced my problem-solving skills and technical expertise. Services Offered: ➤ Mobile Solutions: ➫ Native iOS (Objective-C/Swift) ➫ Native Android (Java/Kotlin) ➫ Hybrid Mobile Apps (React Native, Flutter) ➤ Web Solutions: ➫ React JS / Vue JS /Next JS / HTML5 / CSS3 / Material UI / TypeScript / AntD / Chakra UI / Tailwind CSS / jQuery / Bootstrap CSS ➫ Node JS / Express JS / PHP-Laravel ➫Mongodb / Mysql / Postgresql I have DevOps experience in the administration of cloud infrastructure, AWS, Kubernetes, CI /CD (Gitlab CI, Jenkins), deployment, and configuration. Management Tools: - Jira - Trello - Asana - Git ➤ Third-party Frameworks and Services: ➫ Firebase, Fabric, Supabase ➫ AWS, Heroku, Google Cloud ➫ Google API (Maps, Mobile, Analytics, Advertising, Fit, Social, etc) ➫ Social platforms: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, etc ➫ Ad integration: Google AdMob, Facebook Audience, Amazon Ads, Twitter ➫ GPS, Maps, Background location tracking ➫ Git, Mercurial ➫ Agora, Twilio, WebRTC I specialize in transforming your business ideas into software solutions with a complete development lifecycle, from concept to product release. You will receive a comprehensive solution, including UI/UX Design, Web/Mobile Development, Cloud Deployment, and Maintenance, backed by 24/7 Support. I am committed to delivering value, quality work, and timely deliverables, ensuring a win-win situation for your growth and future relationship . Let's create something we'll be proud of together!
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  • React Native
  • Flutter
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
  • iOS
  • Mobile App
  • SwiftUI
  • Objective-C
  • Full-Stack Development

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Get started working with Syed Muhammad Burhan quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Flutter Developer for Flutter App Development

From $499
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You will get an Android App Developer in Kotlin.

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You will get React Native Developer React Native Expert for React Native Mobile App

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You will get Mobile App Development iOS App | Native | Swift/Objective-C

From $499
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