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Data Science (Expert Level)

As for my formation, I am a Mathematician with a master's degree in Statistics specializing in Econometrics and Machine Learning. As a Statistician, I am proficient in using R, Python, Stata, Eviews, and SPSS software. My main areas of expertise are: - ECONOMETRICS: Multiple linear regression, Event studies, Gravity models, and Difference in Difference estimation Unit root test, ARIMA, and ARFIMA models Volatility model: Arch, Garch, Egarch, Smooth-transition Garch, and Mgarch Vector autoregressive (VAR), and Structural VAR models Cointegration (VECM), Fractionally Cointegrated VAR (FCVAR), and Error correction model Autoregressive Distributed lags model (ARDL) Panel data models: Fixed and Random effects, instrumental variables, GMM, SURE, MG, and PMG Cointegrated panel and Panel VAR - MACHINE LEARNING: Decision trees, Association rules, SVM, Neural networks, Deep learning, Clustering, Logistic regression. Principal component analysis (PCA) Discriminant analysis (DA) Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) - Help with Research papers and Dissertations I am here to help you Best regards
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  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • Stata
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Forecasting

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