Expert-Vetted Gold Badge Top 1% Talent on Upwork | 25+ Years Experience | 100% Job Success | 130 + Projects | 15k + hours | $800K + Earnings | Elearning and Web/Mobile Development | AI and Accessibility.
Over the last 25 years, I have designed, developed, and project managed over 275 web and elearning projects for clients like Bank of America, Wachovia, American Express, Ford, Microsoft, Intuit and Chase, totaling well over 2000 hours of training. I am the author of several books on Amazon, including three in the field of law, and have an entry in the Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments. I have also appeared on C-SPAN and the Tom Snyder radio show. Finally, I currently have a provisional patent for AI integration of ChatGPT into learning management systems.
Besides being a Senior instructional designer and UX/UI designer, I am also a software architect and business analyst who has designed and project-managed several DB-driven websites, and have done SAAS onboarding and product tours. I have created a medical coding project that teaches apprentice coders how to code medical charts, and also several projects involving API integration. My WebRTC project is LetsKinect.
Projects I am looking for include any work related to instructional and or UX/UI design, web design and development, and technical writing and project management, in addition to job aids, quick reference guides (QRG), microlearning, onboarding, interactive prototyping, journey mapping, usability testing, web scraping, data mining, etc.
I manage my own projects: project management software I have utilized includes ActiveCollab, Trello, Asana, Basecamp, Atlassian Jira, and I have even authored my own project management application, Route2us. Other apps used for the aforementioned purposes are Figma, Axure, Articulate Storyline and 360, Rise, Adobe Captivate, Camtasia, Lectora, and VideoScribe.
The nature of the projects are varied, with technical project management as well as authoring and design of WCAG and SCORM-compliant accessible courses uploaded to LMSs such as Moodle, Canvas, Desire2Learn, Brightspace, Thinkific, Absorb LMS, Docebo, TalentLMS, etc. Apart from standard curriculum planning and development, I have also worked on Oracle ERPs as well as SAP, and UX/UI design in Axure, Figma, and Adobe XD. I have authored courses over a wide variety of subject areas, including sales training, onboarding, cybersecurity, systems training, call center training, and a whole lot more.
Technologies and SAAS companies I have worked with and deployed in my various web development projects are: Red5 Pro, Ant Media Server, Kurento, Jitsi, SQL, MySQL, Python, Javascript, Java, PHP, Kendo UI, Phalcon PHP, WebRTC, API Development, Automation, Workflow applications, AWS, Git, React, Angular, Node, Bootstrap, Hubspot, Salesforce, SEO, SEM, CRM, Moodle, CMS, IOT (Internet of Things), AgilePoint, and Responsive Development.