Animation allows for the real world to blend with fantasy, taking real-world images and recreating them beautifully in drawing or painting with unique flare, meaning, and style. In the animation industry’s early years, artists used a technique known as rotoscope, where they would trace over real-life footage to recreate the image in animation. They then placed this creation over a drawn, painted, or otherwise manually rendered background. While technology has decreased demand for this technique, the ability to turn live action into animation with a touch that is both original and unique adds that extra flare to impress audiences. The rotoscope specialists on Upwork are here to help you add that classical, useful edge to your animation by utilizing their expert skills to harness this technique for the best results.
Many of these freelance professionals have chosen their specialty after much experimentation in a range of fields, which has equipped them with a diverse set of talents, skills, and knowledge from which their approach and solid work ethic stem. This unique and diverse perspective can be used for the improvement of your rotoscope experience, as well as for other projects to suit your budget or scale. Their flexible schedules and fluency in the online workplace make them ideal for remote collaboration, where they can work seamlessly with other teams or independently with little guidance. You can entrust them with this task and have confidence in receiving results that both meet and exceed your expectations.