Umair Razzaq
Medical & Dental Billing and Prior Authorization Specialists
Time is MONEY and WE can save YOU both. We have a team of professional Virtual/ Personal Assistants who are enthusiastic, compassionate, and dependable persons who have more than 8 years of experience in the medical field. We are friendly, prompt, and experts in our field. We have worked for many doctors and facilities in the USA. We worked for Orthopedic Specialists and worked in specialty injections (Orthovisc, Monovisc, Euflexxa, Supartz, Durolane, Zilreta, Gelsyn, Gel-one, and many more). We are highly experienced in Medical & Pharmacy Benefits investigation, Medical Billing, Pharmacy Billing, and Prior Authorizations/ Pre-Authorizations. we submit the Prior-authorizations on behalf of doctors or facilities and follow-ups on those to make sure those are received and being reviewed. We have also worked for Radiology (facility) and have experience in submitting Authorizations for Imaging exams. Don't trust OUR words, See OUR testimonials!!! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Virtual Assistance
Medbilling provides the following services to Doctors, Facilities, or Hospitals: Medical Billing & benefits Investigation Pharmacy Billing & benefits Investigation Dental Billing& benefits Investigation Prior Authorization/ Pre-Authorization Claim Submissions Payment Posting And Many More!!!