CRM Implementation | Web Development | UI/UX | Digital Transformation| Support | API Integrations
AlterEGO is a human-centered web development company. Since 2008, we have been helping businesses worldwide achieve their goals. We cover the entire project cycle, from the initial idea through to implementation and technical support. ✅ What are our main services? - Website Development - CRM Implementation - Web Development - Digital Transformation - Support - UX/UI Design ✅ Why us? - Performing tasks with high quality and efficiency - We complete tasks within the agreed-upon deadlines - Over 50 satisfied customers 💼 AlterEGO has solid expertise in industries: - E-commerce; - Logistics; - Real Estate; - Finance; - Agrosector; - Pharmacy; - Manufacturing; - High-tech. Our clients from those niches already have left many ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ feedbacks about our cooperation. 🗂 CRM systems we use: 1. Pipedrive, 2. Zоно, 3. Uspacy, 4. Orderry, 5. Odoo 🛠We work with the following languages and technologies: ✅WEB DEVELOPMENT: - Front-end: PHP, JavaScript, Node, React, Next.js, Express, Nest.js, Redux, Redux-thunk, Redux Toolkit, GraphQL, Apollo, i18next, Material ui, Redux Toolkit, Typescript, SASS/SCSS, Axios - Back-end: PHP, Golang, Javascript, Laravel, Yii2, Database Postgres, Redis, Elastic ✅TESTING: Jest, Jest Puppeteer, React testing library, Enzyme, ESlint ✅UX/UI DESIGN: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, Coreldraw
ERP/CRM Software
Web Development
Web & Mobile Design
Customer Service & Tech Support
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