⭐️ Highly skilled QA Engineer with over 8 years of experience in various types of testing, including web, mobile, and desktop platforms. Proficient in creating test documentation, working with Agile methodologies, and utilizing a wide range of testing tools and frameworks.
⭐️Top Rated freelancer⭐️ 100% Job Success
📌Summary of Skills:
* Manual Testing Mobile Applications (Android & IOS with Testflight installed)
* Manual Testing of Desktop Software and Web-based software
* Excellent bug finder with a good eye for details, receiving awards and bonuses
* Document creation (Test plan, test case, test script, test scenario, users manual)
* Report Bugging Documentation
* Project Handover Documentation
* Worked on Agile Methodologies
📌Scope of Testing:
* Manual Testing (Functional testing such as smoke and sanity testing, regression, usability, alpha-beta, positive and negative, GUI, exploratory, API, and end-to-end testing)
* Mobile Apps Testing
* Game app testing(mobile/desktop)
* Cross-browser Testing
* UI/UX Testing/Feature suggestion
* Test media platforms such as Roku, Visio, Tizen, Apple TV, Fire TV, and Android TV - 5 years of experience
📌Technical Experience:
* Platforms: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10
* Database: MySQL
* Remote Applications: Teamviewer, Remote Desktop Application
* Defect Tracking and Management Tools: JIRA, Trello, X-Ray, Excel, Youtrack, Zephir, Mantis
* Other software/tools: Browserstack, Google Apps, Dropbox, Postman, Slack, Microsoft Teams
* Microsoft Applications and documentation tools
* Android - Xiaomi mi 9t PRO
* iPhone XR, iPhone 12 plus, iPhone 13 (TestFlight ready)
* Tablet - iPad 8 gen
* Apple TV
* Google Chromecast
⭐️ Why you should choose me over another freelancer ⭐️
- I provide high-quality and professional work so that the customer has a positive experience of working with me, is satisfied with the result, and wants to come back to me next time with a new job offer.
- I believe that my passion for testing and ability to learn, adapt to new challenges, and grow make me a strong competitor.
Have any questions or want to discuss your projects? Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Let’s get started!
Keywords: Quality Control, Manual Testing, Quality Assurance, QA Testing, Web Testing, Bug Reports, GUI Testing, UI Testing, Software QA, QA Engineering, Desktop Application Testing, Functional Testing, Non-functional, Software Testing, Web App Tester, Usability Testing, User Acceptance Testing, Defect Tracking, Test Reporting, Test Plan, Test Case, Data Testing, Website Testing, User Story, Beta Tester, Stability/Reliability testing, Compatibility testing, Black box Testing, Cross-Browser Testing, Cross-Device Compatibility, Retesting, Front End Testing, Accessibility testing, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).