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Check out a sample of the 5 Experiment Design jobs posted on Upwork
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
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I need to make an emulsifier using quillaja extract for a food based solution.
Experience level
Your role will involve: Need to be physically located in India. 1. Formulation Consulting -assessing product formulation, make recommen…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
Looking for someone who's analytical and creative (aka unicorn) who's interested in helping us by designing direct-response ad hooks fo…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
The goal of this assignment is to reproduce the experiments and results from a selected scientific paper focusing on verifying or chall…
Experience level
Citizen science study on water bottle cleaning behaviors: Public event where people filled out survey, sampeld their own reusable wate…
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