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Check out a sample of the 17 Injection Mold Design jobs posted on Upwork
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
I have a device that I've been manufacturing and selling for 3 years. Production has been with 3D printing but I need to move to inject…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
Hi, I am looking to get a list of engineers who are specialized in molding injection machine who can help me at my plant. I am located…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
We are seeking a skilled CAD expert with experience in designing parts for injection molding to help finalize the design of a one-piece…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
Looking for a product designer that can help me design a ring from concept to manufacturing plans. The ring will be designed to give a…
30+ hrs/week
Hours needed
More than 6 months
Experience level
I'm seeking a skilled 3D Modeler and Mold Design Specialist with experience in preparing .STL files for plastic injection molding. The…
Not sure
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
Hello - I am looking for help to design a straightforward tool to use in our vineyard. I would like to work with a partner that underst…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
Create the internal / construction design for a consumer electronic product. We are developing a simple, low cost kitchen product. It…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
Goal -Capture most if not all the airborne dust during the mixing process inside a roughly 2ftx2ft chute. -Create a plastic mold injec…
Experience level
We are developing a unique and innovative bottle cap mechanism for product and are seeking a skilled product designer or mechanical eng…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
I am looking to make plastic buckles for dog collars. Ideal candidate has extensive experience with injection mold, product design, is…
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