Joseph K.
Fort MyersFL
100% Job Success

Front-End Web Developer & User Experience Designer

I'm a Full-Stack Developer and User Experience Designer with a passion for building beautiful, interactive online experiences, from concept to implementation. I specialize in User Experience Design, Advanced Theme Development, and Integration. I'm a firm believer in the power of the web to connect people and ideas, and I'm dedicated to helping businesses and individuals create a strong online presence. I have deep experience with HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind, Javascript, React, Wordpress, Figma, Photoshop, and more. Depending on the project criteria, I can work independently, integrate with your existing team or bring in my own team to craft a full solution for your needs. We'll use Figma, Photoshop and Illustrator to plan, wireframe, prototype and design a User Interface to grab attention and generate leads. We'll then customize Wordpress, Shopify or your content management system (CMS) of choice to meet your unique needs, leveraging HTML5, CSS, Javascript, React & PHP to create a truly interactive User Experience. I've worked in the field for over a decade, collaborating with diverse teams and producing major website projects for churches, schools, businesses and colleges.
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  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • WordPress
  • Tailwind CSS
  • UX & UI
  • UX Writing
  • Figma
  • Prototyping