Andrey S.
Creating Web Applications
Work history
Build Internal Email List tool
Create a Customer Support AI based on Zendesk Data
No feedback given
Tender platform
Laravel Development for AI tool
No feedback given
Modify the Web App
No feedback given
Create an Inventory Automation web application that works with Amazon store
No feedback given
Create Login and Registration Page for our web application
No feedback given
Dynamically create 1,000's of personalized videos for potential clients
No feedback given
Full stack help & support on our SunMapper tool
Dynamically create 1,000's of personalized videos for potential clients
Create a web application for HR departments to create advertising job descriptions with A.I
Job in progress
Development tech for platform
Job in progress
Andrey S. has more jobs. Create an account to review them
- Laravel
- Vue.js
- Software Architecture & Design
- Web Application
- PHP Script
- Internet of Things Solutions Design
- Lumen Micro Framework
- Debian
Endorsements from past clients
"Andrey S. has been instrumental in the success of our "FaMed" project over 1.5 years. As a Systems Architect and Developer, his expertise, especially with the DICOM medical file format, stood out. Andrey's approach to coding was meticulous, ensuring the platform's stability and adaptability. He collaborated effectively, was receptive to feedback, and prioritized data security. We highly value his contribution and unreservedly recommend Andrey for his skills in system architecture and development."
| SEO of FaMed LLC
Web application
Sep 2023