Mohsen N. Status: Offline
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Statistics tutor in R | Excel | Minitab| Python

"I enjoyed lessons with him a lot. Excellent guy." client feedback for the project "Teach me language R". "Great experience! Very knowledgeable and responsive. Adapted to changing requirements well." client feedback for the project "Statistician with R for thesis guidance and tutoring". Studying of Statistics and R can be enjoyable and simple as proved from the feedbacks above. I have many certificates from top universities (Harvard, Johns Hopkins,....etc) in diverse skills as Statistics, R programming, Six Sigma, getting and cleaning data, data visualisation, and data analysis. I have taught R and Statistics to different Upwork clients and different fellows in the industrial and academic fields. You can see examples of my designed courses in the portfolio part. I have experience and can teach you the following fields: Descriptive statistics to continuous, categorical, and time to event data. Different probability distributions. Confidence intervals and hypotheses testing (T-test, ANOVA, Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis,.....etc). Linear regression (simple and multiple). Logistic regression (ordinal and nominal, simple and multiple). Cox regression (simple and multiple). Cluster analysis. Importing and cleaning data into R. Tidyverse packages of R (Readr, ggplot,....etc). Data wrangling in R. Data visualization in R using basic, lattice or ggplot packages. Reproducible projects with R markdown. Pivot tables, Pivot charts, and formulas in Excel. Six Sigma tools (Different statistical tests, Control charts, Design of Experiments DOE,.....etc). Different Statistical tests, control charts,.....etc in Minitab. SQL basic functions. Infographics
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  • R Shiny
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • RStudio
  • Statistics

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Get started working with Mohsen quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a set of lectures to learn the basics of R programming

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You will get a set of lectures to learn Statistics and the famous R programming language

From $200
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