Anita S. Status: Offline

Customer care, creative facilitator

Ever since I started University I had several student jobs, and different experiences from which I have learned a lot about human behavior, taking responsibility, and also earned skills in a wide rage. You can see my three main experiences listed below. Volunteering one year in a foreign country had a great impact on me, and if definitely strengthened my language skills, also made me more flexible and brave. I mainly enjoy cooperating with others while working, I consider myself an open-minded, empathic person, and I would like to have co-workers with the same mentality. I enjoy working in an international area, where I could use my language skills too.
Work history

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  • Employee Relations
  • Customer Development
  • Customer Experience
  • Employee Communications
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Communications
  • Recruiting
  • Customer Care
  • SAP