Marina A. Status: Offline
100% Job Success

English Lg. Transcriptionist and Translator

A TOP-RATED AUDIO/VIDEO English language transcriber/typist/proofreader. Experienced in transcribing: podcasts/lectures/interviews/panel discussions/meeting notes/video instructions for creating various manuals, etc. A Bachelor's degree in the English language. 4,000 hours as аudio/video transcriber on Upwork, more than 150 jobs, and a 100 % job success confirm my high-quality skills. Despite my previous experience, I am ALWAYS willing to do a small test to prove my language skills. P.S. Check one of the podcast shows called Open Source Underdogs that I've done for Gluu.Inc. startup, for CEO, Michael Schwartz. All episodes transcribed, proofread, uploaded by me, under no supervision. Hyperlinks, links and photos as well uploaded by me.
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  • Serbian
  • Serbian to English Translation
  • General Transcription