Jashanjot S. Status: Offline
100% Job Success

MERN Stack Developer

I am a full stack MERN developer, having 6+ years of experience in web app and Software development. My target is to provide 100% quality work and services. You will get 100% granted work of my skills in: I have skills in the following technologies: ✓Front-end Development:- Reactjs | Bootstrap | HTML5 | CSS3 | jQuery ✓Back-end Development:- JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js ✓APIs:- Google API | Twitter API | Pusher API | Facebook API | Passport Authentications and many others ✓Database:- MongoDB | MySQL | DynamoDB ✓Deployment:- Heroku | DigitalOcean | AWSb| Digital Ocean ✓Android App Development:- Kotlin
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  • JavaScript
  • NodeJS Framework
  • CSS Framework
  • React Bootstrap
  • Redux
  • Redux Saga
  • Web Application