Ankit M. Status: Offline
81% Job Success
Rising Talent

Machine Learning, NLP & Deep Learning Expert

I am a math-driven data scientist with an academic degree and 4+ years of hands on experience in the field of Data Analytics. If you have a data/math-related task that is not straightforward and needs out of box approach, then I can help you. Also, you are welcome with straightforward descriptive, exploratory and inferential stat tasks. Expertise : data analytics/data insights/model identification/prediction model/ advanced math modeling/optimization/statistics Expertise in : Python SQL PowerBI ML DL NLP Math Probability and Statistics Skills: stock analysis and prediction. Data mining. Data Visualization. Text Preprocessing. Parallel processing. mathematics. Physics. Optimization. SOFTWARE: Python Libraries: Scikit Learn Pandas Matplotlib Numpy Seaborn Tensorflow Keras You can hire me when you need to. Do let me know if there is any work related to Data Science where I can help you. Waiting to hear from you.
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  • Convolutional Neural Network
  • TensorFlow
  • Deep Learning Modeling
  • Python
  • NLTK
  • Python Scikit-Learn
  • SQL