Eslam O. Status: Offline
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Sr. AI Engineer

AI Engineer with 4+ years of experience. Bringing hands-on experience in implementing Machine Learning and Data Science real-world applications. ✓ Certified AWS ML engineer ✓ Certified AI engineer ✓ Certified Data scientist ✓ Certified Deep learning engineer. I have extensive experience with the following tools and technologies: ✓ Amazon Web Services (AWS): EC2, S3,Lambda Functions, SageMaker ✓ Coding skills in Python (scripting, Jupyter, google Colab) ✓ Python data analytics libraries (Scikit-learn, pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib) ✓ Computer Vision tools and packages (MM Detection, OpenCV) ✓ Natural Language Processing tools and packages (spacy, nltk) ✓ Deep learning libraries and toolboxes (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch)
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  • Convolutional Neural Network
  • TensorFlow
  • Machine Learning
  • PyTorch
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Image Processing