Dejan M. Status: Offline
100% Job Success

Academic Writer, Content Creator, Researcher, and an Anthropologist

Currently, I work with several clients. Mainly as an anthropologist who helps with research or creative thinking. But I also work on developing company cultures and management strategies. Besides this, I write science news, research articles, and fiction. My Bachelor degree is in Ethnology and Anthropology (Philosophical Faculty of Belgrade). During my bachelor studies, I was a research assistant at the seminar for Socio-cultural anthropology in the Research Centre of Petnica, Valjevo. Together with three colleagues, I participated in organizing an exhibition at the Ethnographical Museum of Belgrade, titled: "Glamour in the" Serbian way": Graduation balls (1991-2014) Besides this, I published articles and essays in several magazines and also I participated in scientific conferences. My goal is to use my academic and business knowledge to improve work collectives and company productivity. Besides that, I am an inquisitive person who loves exploring science, art, and spirituality, and I greatly appreciate human cultural diversity.
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  • History
  • Scientific Writing
  • Research Papers
  • Serbian
  • Topic Research
  • Anthropology
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Content Management