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Web Developer | Wordpress | ACF | Shopify | Frontend Development

Hi, my name is Zulkar Naim. I am a professional Web Developer from Bangladesh. I have been working in the field of Web Development since 2014. I'm expert in Wordpress. Besides, I'm experienced in PHP, CakePHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Shopify. Experieinced in creating Static Websites from given design even in developing Web Applications. My skills are: #Wordpress ☉ Wordpress Theme Development (Fully Functional with Theme Options, Custom Post Type, Custom Fields) ☉ Wordpress Theme Customization by creating Child theme (Premium & Free) ☉ Scratch/HTML/PSD/Figma/Invision to Wordpress Theme Development ☉ Visual Composer/WBBakery, DIVI builder, Elementor, Muffin Builder experience ☉ ACF(Advanced Custom Fields) / ACF pro Expert ☉ Develop WP website with WP Blocks ☉ Wordpress website migration/transfer from host-host or domain-domain ☉ Wordpress Theme develop from Underscore starter theme ☉ Wix to Wordpress conversion ☉ Experienced in Developing simple Wordpress Plugins ☉ Creating pages from given mokeup ☉ Theme Installation & Make it like it's Demo ☉ Content(text, image) uploading ☉ WooCommerce Setup & Customization ☉ Multilingual experience with qTranslate, WPML, PolyLang ☉ Some WP theme I've been working with recently are- Salient, The7, Sahifa, Divi, CherryFrameWork, Elementor, Avada. DIVI #CakePHP ☉ Have Good Knowledge on CakePHP ☉ Develop web application with MVC Cakephp Framework #Others ☉ Shopify (Create/Edit page from given design) ☉ PSD to HTML ☉ Fixing html/css/js/responsive issues ☉ Administrative support for cPanel, phpMyAdmin, MySQL ☉ Pantheon, Bitbucket Client's satisfaction is my first priority. I do like to maintain the deadlines & continuous communication with Clients till the project ends.
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  • WordPress Plugin
  • Shopify
  • WordPress
  • WordPress Theme
  • Website Customization
  • Theme Customization
  • WordPress Development
  • Shopify Templates
  • PSD to HTML

Get started working with Zulkar quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Zulkar quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a WordPress site developed from the given Design

From $250
5 days delivery

You will get your Wordpress site Upgraded / Backed Up / Migrated

From $25
1 day delivery