Daria B. Status: Offline
94% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Web Designer and Developer on Webflow, Tilda and Shopify

Hi there! I'm Daria! Welcome to my profile and nice to meet you! :) I'm a web designer, web developer and 3D artist with more than 4 years of experience. I'm extremely passionate about computers and digital world since I was a child. I don't like wasting anyone's time, therefore, I will just mention that I work with such programs/tools/no-code platforms as Webflow, Shopify, Framer, Tilda, Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender, Canva. I also code with HTML and CSS "fluently" and JS and Swift "near fluently". I would love to know about your amazing project and collaborate with you! Just text me and I will do my best to help you in the most comfortable and professional way. Cheers!
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  • Shopify
  • Figma
  • UX & UI
  • Multilingual Translation
  • Shopify Theme