Anurag S. Status: Offline
94% Job Success
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React/Next/Angular, Tailwind/Laravel/WP, WebGL/GSAP/three.js/pixi.js

Greetings! I am an animator at heart and a developer in the mind. A 2014 graduate from National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India, I have 8+ years of experience in the Web Development and Animation industry. My services include: ✅ Web Design & Development: I have worked with major client side web frameworks [AngularJS(1.x, 2+)/React/Vue/Backbone] as well as server side languages like PHP and NodeJS. For most of my layouts I like to use Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap. I work with custom modifications to templates, as well as development from scratch. ✅ Experienced in converting pixel perfect web pages from prototyping tools like: - Figma - Invision - Zeplin - Photoshop ✅ Have worked in a team environment with project management tools like: - GitHub - Bitbucket - Trello - Asana - Slack ✅ Integrating Payment gateways into websites - Stripe - PayPal - PayStack ✅ Node.js application development using firebase ✅ Some of the Javascript libraries I have used in my projects are: - Three JS (WebGL based 3D library) - Greensock Animation Platform (Complex tween sequences and timelines) - Pixi JS (High Performance 2D Canvas library) - Physics JS (Realtime solid physics simulation library) - FullPage JS (Library for full page website sections with smooth transitions) - ScrollMagic (GSAP based library for scroll interactions with animation) - Charts JS (JavaScript illustrated and interactive graphs and pie charts) - XeoGL JS (WebGL based library for quick rendering of 3D models) Let's collaborate on a project soon!
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  • AngularJS
  • Angular
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Framer
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • GSAP
  • PixiJS
  • Three.js
  • WebGL

Get started working with Anurag quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Anurag quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a browser based 3D interactive scene, making your website stand out

From $200
2 days delivery

You will get a visually appealing and customizable dashboard with tables, graphs, charts

From $500
7 days delivery