Tiing Fung A. Status: Offline
67% Job Success

Senior UI&UX Designer

I'm a Multimedia and UI Designer . I have experience designing user interfaces that are both visually appealing and user-friendly. I have worked on projects ranging from mobile apps to websites, and have a solid understanding of user experience principles and design best practices. I believe my ability could add value to your team. -I'm experienced in Adobe Photoshop, XD, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effect, Figma and Sketchup. - I’ll fully project manage your brief from start to finish
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  • GIF Based on Image or Video
  • Social Media Design
  • Design Concept
  • Brand Design
  • Animated GIF Design
  • User Experience
  • Business Card Design
  • Menu Design
  • App Design
  • Mobile App Design

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Get started working with Tiing Fung quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get app screenshots for app store and play store

From $40
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