Note: The newest Upwork Skills Index is now available here.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - July 7, 2016 - Upwork, the world’s largest freelancing website, today released a new index of the hottest skills in the U.S. freelance job market. The Upwork Skills Index highlights the 20 fastest-growing skills and is the first in a quarterly series that reveals the most current information about skills freelancers are providing.
The 20 fastest-growing skills, Q2 2016:
The Upwork Skills Index calculates growth rates based on freelancer billings through Upwork in Q2 2016 versus Q2 2015. The 10 fastest-growing skills all experienced more than 125 percent year-over-year growth.
Key takeaways:
"We're releasing this skills data to serve as a resource for professionals, educators and policymakers,” said Upwork CEO, Stephane Kasriel.
“As skills gaps persist, this information can be leveraged by smart professionals who continue to educate themselves in order to capitalize on market demands. Information about emerging skill demands may also be useful for those seeking to bolster our education system and economic competitiveness.
”To learn more about the skills that are critical to our high-tech future and read about future technologies he witnessed while at last week’s World Economic Forum meeting in China, see Kasriel’s latest post on Medium here.The next Upwork Skills Index will be released fall 2016.
About Upwork
Upwork is the world’s largest freelancing website. As an increasingly connected and independent workforce goes online, knowledge work —like software, shopping and content before it— is shifting online as well. This shift is making it easier for clients to connect and work with talent in near real-time and is freeing professionals everywhere from having to work at a set time and place.Freelancers are earning more than $1 billion annually via Upwork. Upwork is headquartered in Mountain View, California, with offices in San Francisco, California, and Oslo, Norway. For more information, visit our website at, join us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Christina Schultz