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Check out a sample of the 49 Google APIs jobs posted on Upwork


Experience level

Role Needed:API Integration Developer for Advertising Data Retrieval (Google Ads, Meta Ads, Google Analytics) - We are seeking an expe…

Google APIs Google APIs Jobs RESTful API API API Development Data Scraping API Integration
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Google and Outlook Calendar API Expert Hourly ‐ Posted 10 days ago

Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

Less than 1 month

Experience level

We are trying to figure out whether the Google and Outlook calendar APIs are just ridiculously fickle, or there is something we're not…

Google APIs Google APIs Jobs API
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

3 to 6 months

Experience level

Hello I need a google adwords manager to help set up and fix my unoptimzed google adwords campaign. I am using google sites and want to…

Google APIs Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign Optimization PPC Campaign Setup & Management Google APIs Jobs Google Tag Manager Google Analytics Google Ads
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30+ hrs/week
Hours needed

3 to 6 months

Experience level

We are looking for an experienced JavaScript developer to build a Google Slides charting extension using Plotly.js, d3.js, or chart.js.…

Google APIs Firebase Google Workspace Chart.js Google APIs Jobs Google Apps Script CSS HTML JavaScript D3.js
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

1 to 3 months

Experience level

I am looking to create a Google Sheets extension. Essentially: 1. Users populate a list of leads 2. A slider should come out from the…

Google APIs HTML Google APIs Jobs API Integration API Automation Scripting Google Sheets Google Apps Script
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

Less than 1 month

Experience level

Email Signature Automation We are seeking an experienced programmer familiar with the Google Workspace (G Suite) API to create a centra…

Google APIs Google APIs Jobs Google Apps Script Google Workspace
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Data Transfer Specialist Needed Fixed-price ‐ Posted 9 days ago


Experience level

Hello! I need help securingly backing up approx. 200 GB of Google Drive data. I'm an organization admin and would like to have you send…

Google APIs Administrative Support Google APIs Jobs
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

Less than 1 month

Experience level

I’m looking for an experienced developer to build an automated pipeline that pulls images from Google Drive, processes them with CogVLM…

Google APIs Google APIs Jobs Scripting Python
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

1 to 3 months

Experience level

**Job Description:** We are looking for an experienced freelancer to set up Pixel and Conversion APIs on our Ecomz marketplace. The c…

Google APIs Google APIs Jobs Google Ads Web Development
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Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed

3 to 6 months

Experience level

We are seeking a skilled developer to create an AI-powered website that interprets uploaded images and generates new images tailored fo…

Google APIs iOS Google APIs Jobs API
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