Mystery Shopper Visits to Low-Cost Gyms in France & Spain
We are looking for motivated individuals in several cities to visit and review low-cost gyms in their area. As a reviewer, you will be responsible for taking photos and evaluating the gym on several criteria, such as cleanliness, equipment quality, staff friendliness, and overall atmosphere. Ideally you would visit all the same gyms during the same time window (6-8pm), spread out over 2 days if necessary.
1) Visit assigned low-cost gyms in your area
2) Take photos of the gym's interior and equipment
3) Evaluate the gym on several criteria using a provided checklist
4) Write up a brief review of the gym, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses
5) Submit your reviews and photos within the agreed-upon timeline
Proposed Cities (note - if you live in another city in France or Spain where all of the following chains are also present, that also works!)
1) Paris: Basic-Fit, Fitness Park, Keepcool, Gigafit
2) Lille: Basic-Fit, Fitness Park, Keepcool
1) Madrid: Basic-Fit, AltaFit, VivaGym, Synergym
2) Malaga: Basic-Fit, AltaFit, VivaGym, Synergym
- Less than 30 hrs/week Hourly
< 1 month
- Entry level Experience Level
Hourly - Remote Job
- One-time project Project Type
Skills and Expertise
Activity on this job
- Proposals: 20 to 50
- Last viewed by client: 2 quarters ago
Invites sent:
Unanswered invites:
About the client
- United States Scarsdale 2:57 AM
- $320
total spent 3 hires, 2 active
- 6 hours
- Small company (2-9 people)
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