Architecture & Interior Design

Architect interior design is a design profession that lands where architecture meets interior design. Architectural design plans entail technical aspects and space planning in addition to interior design. It requires a specialized skill set since interior architecture needs to look nice and also be safe and up to code. Independent architect interior designers on Upwork have portfolios showcasing their work as well as customer ratings and reviews to aid you in finding the right fit for your needs.

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Architecture & Interior Design FAQ

Do architects design interiors?

Interior architects make beautiful and functional spaces by carefully planning architectural design of interior spaces. Their job goes beyond designing the aesthetics of interior space and also includes ensuring that the spaces they design are up to building codes. Oftentimes, they have specialized training and certifications beyond earning a degree from a school of architecture.

Can an architect be an interior designer too?

Architecture and interior design are destiny jobs, but there is some crossover between the two, and it’s possible for someone to do both. An architect focuses on the layout, safety, and functionality of a space in addition to making it look good. An interior designer solely focuses on the aesthetics of a space through furnishing and interior decorating.

It’s more likely for an architect to become an interior designer than the other way around. While interior designers might have some knowledge of both design and architecture, they are unlikely to have the technical skillset of an architect.

How much do interior design architects charge?

An interior design architect working from start to finish on a project might charge anywhere from 5%-20% of the total construction cost. They also might charge an hourly rate anywhere from $100/hour-$250/hour. If you’re looking for a 3D rendering of a space or structural drawings, an interior design architect might charge a flat rate between $150-$250.

What skills should an interior architect have?

Architects do need a degree from an accredited program. A bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or bfa from an architecture program is an essential starting point. Internships and certification courses in topics like lighting design, woodwork, or cabinetry can be helpful but aren’t necessary.

Interior architects have various career paths; one might work independently and specialize in sustainable design and another might work in real estate at an architecture firm. Individual specializations will vary between professionals.
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