Family & Genealogy
See your family tree in a whole new way with genealogy services.
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Genealogy Research - Discover Your Family!
Genealogy Research - Discover Your Family!
14 day delivery

A great start on your family tree.
A great start on your family tree.
7 day delivery

Family history research tailored to your needs!
Family history research tailored to your needs!
2 day delivery

Genealogy research in Portugal ( ancestors)
Genealogy research in Portugal ( ancestors)
30 day delivery

Research for your specific family history questions
Research for your specific family history questions
3 day delivery

A brief but detailed family history
A brief but detailed family history
14 day delivery

Professional genealogy research report
Professional genealogy research report
5 day delivery

Genealogy Research in Poland
Genealogy Research in Poland
30 day delivery

Polish and Jewish genealogy research
Polish and Jewish genealogy research
60 day delivery
Family & Genealogy FAQ
What is the difference between genealogy and family history?
Although the terms genealogy and family history are often used to connote the same thing, they are very different. Genealogy is the practice of studying one’s familial history in terms of lineage as it relates to parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. In addition, genealogy can involve the use of DNA testing to determine the relationship between individuals and their ancestors.
Family history, on the other hand, is primarily focused on when and where one’s relatives lived and the impact they may have had on their surroundings as well as on their family.
To put it in simpler terms, genealogy focuses on the fact that you have ancestors who lived during a particular time and how they link you to your other relatives—for instance, thanks to having a common ancestor, you might be distantly related to British royalty. Family history will focus on, say, that your grandparents met while serving during World War II, moved to California after the war, and had five children, one of who was your father, Fred, which is why you’re named Fred, Jr.
Family history, on the other hand, is primarily focused on when and where one’s relatives lived and the impact they may have had on their surroundings as well as on their family.
To put it in simpler terms, genealogy focuses on the fact that you have ancestors who lived during a particular time and how they link you to your other relatives—for instance, thanks to having a common ancestor, you might be distantly related to British royalty. Family history will focus on, say, that your grandparents met while serving during World War II, moved to California after the war, and had five children, one of who was your father, Fred, which is why you’re named Fred, Jr.
Why is it important to know your genealogy?
Genealogy is important to know because it can provide a significant amount of information regarding your health, itraditions, culture, and more. If your father and grandfather have a history of heart disease, it’s important to know whether their ancestors also struggled with it and what the outcomes were.
Genealogy can also introduce certain traditions that had previously been passed down from generation to generation but are now at risk of being lost. This information might affect which holidays you observe, whom you marry, how you dress, and what kind of profession you might pursue.
Genealogy can also introduce certain traditions that had previously been passed down from generation to generation but are now at risk of being lost. This information might affect which holidays you observe, whom you marry, how you dress, and what kind of profession you might pursue.
How far back can you trace your family tree?
How far back your family can be traced will depend on a number of factors. If your family did not keep records, moved around a great deal, or immigrated from another country before the 20th century, it might be difficult to trace your family tree beyond 150 years. By comparison, if there is a well-known member of your family who lived 500 years ago about whom a great deal of research exists, it might be much easier to trace your family tree as far back as the 1600s.
How do I find a reputable genealogist?
There are a number of resources available that help individuals conduct research regarding their genealogy. One option involves finding a genealogist at a local university who can help you conduct your research.
Another approach is to leverage the services of an online family history and genealogy service. In this instance, much of the correspondence and research is turnkey, can be done online for a set price, and can provide some insight into your lineage.
One of the more popular and effective approaches is to find an independent genealogist via a platform such as Upwork. By simply outlining the details of the research you wish to conduct, how far back you want to go, and the objective you hope to reach, you can find a variety of independent genealogists to provide a range of research and pricing options for you.
Another approach is to leverage the services of an online family history and genealogy service. In this instance, much of the correspondence and research is turnkey, can be done online for a set price, and can provide some insight into your lineage.
One of the more popular and effective approaches is to find an independent genealogist via a platform such as Upwork. By simply outlining the details of the research you wish to conduct, how far back you want to go, and the objective you hope to reach, you can find a variety of independent genealogists to provide a range of research and pricing options for you.
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